1. Combine with Multiple Strategies

Students combine two sentences into one using strategies such as forming compound subjects and objects, adding adjectives/adverbs, using coordinating or subordinating conjunctions, and forming appositives

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Complex Sentences - Sentence Combining

Combine with Multiple Strategies

Directions: Combine the two sentences.


The Constitution was written to replace the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were considered weak.

The Constitution was written to replace the Articles of Confederation, which were considered weak.

  1. The delegates met in Philadelphia. They were writing the Constitution.

  2. James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution. He made many contributions to the document.

  3. The Constitution was signed in 1787. It was not ratified until 1788.

  4. The Constitution established the three branches of government. These branches are the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.

  5. The Constitution protects the rights of citizens. It does this through the Bill of Rights.

  6. The Constitution can be amended. This is a difficult process.

  7. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It overrides any state law.

  8. The Constitution was written in secret. The public did not know what it contained until it was finished.

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Answer Key and Teacher Resources

Answer Key

  1. When the delegates met in Philadelphia, they were writing the Constitution.

  2. James Madison, known as the Father of the Constitution, made many contributions to the document.

  3. Although the Constitution was signed in 1787, it was not ratified until 1788.

  4. The Constitution established the three branches of government: the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.

  5. The Constitution protects the rights of citizens through the Bill of Rights.

  6. The Constitution can be amended, but this is a difficult process.

  7. The Constitution, the supreme law of the land, overrides any state law.

  8. The Constitution was written in secret, so the public did not know what it contained until it was finished.

Recommendations for Instruction:

  1. Teacher reminds students that one way to make our writing more concise is to combine two sentences into one.

  2. Teacher asks students to list some of the ways they've learned to combine sentences.

  3. Teacher models combining two sentences into one by using the strategy or strategies that makes sense given the meaning of the sentences.

  4. Students practice combining two sentences into one by using the strategy or strategies that makes sense given the meaning of the sentences. Ideally, students can practice this a few times.

  5. As students work, teacher circulates to give feedback. If there are common errors students are making, teacher should pause the class to clarify the misconception.

  6. Teacher communicates that they expect to see students looking for sentences they can combine using various strategies when they revise their writing.

14. Combine with Subordinating Conjunctions

1. Link with Transitions of Effect