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Teach Writing in Your Content Area

The Writing Pathway is a free, research-based and researched scope & sequence for teaching writing, with AI tools that create practice for students in any subject or curriculum, grades 3-12.

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Try out our FREE materials generator

The Writing Pathway covers 180 high-leverage writing skills, many of which can be practiced in as little as 5 minutes! Our AI Material Generator makes it easy—simply let us know what you're teaching and instantly get writing practice in the content that you teach. Try it below or explore the full Skills Library here.

On occasion, AI can generate biased or inaccurate information. Please review materials for accuracy.

A worksheet generated by the Writing Pathway

Explore 100+ skills and start creating materials tailored for your class

We offer 5 writing categories, 19 modules, and over 100 writing skills that are designed to be an overlay onto any 3rd - 12th grade curriculum or content. Explore them all in the Skills Library.

Committed to being "evidence-based," not just "research-based"

While many educational interventions claim to be "evidence-based," most are actually "research-based." What’s the difference? "Research-based" means the intervention builds on existing studies, whereas "evidence-based" means the approach has undergone rigorous, controlled studies that yielded repeatable results. The Writing Pathway wasn't just designed using the latest research (though it was!); it has also been tested to ensure effectiveness.

Beginning in 2022, lead researcher in writing instruction, Dr. Steve Graham, conducted a two-year study of the Writing Pathway with 911 students, which found significant gains in persuasive writing. In year two, middle school students made 9.3 times the growth than control students, with an effect size of 0.64. This translates to a 24-percentile point improvement. In other words, students starting at the 50th-percentile reached the 74th-percentile after using the Pathway for a year.

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A middle school boy looking at a worksheet in class

Interested in bringing research-based and researched writing instruction to your district or school?